Help Advance our Mission
Phil-Mont is not a church … it is a mission field. Children that come here come from Christian families. However, we shouldn’t take that to mean that the children have all received Jesus as their Savior … yet.
- Your support enables us to teach children everything through the lens of scripture.
- Your support bridges the gap between our tuition and the cost of educating each child. In essence, all children here receive financial support.
- Your support enables children to attend this school whose parents can’t afford it.
- Your support feeds ALL of the children, our children, at Phil-Mont spiritually, intellectually, athletically, and artistically every day.
Gifts to Phil-Mont are tax-deductible. Phil-Mont is a 501(c) (3) organization.

Learn how you can give your tax dollars to Phil-Mont with EITC
- Your gift honors God, whether you consider it a tithe, an offering, an oath, or an act of obedience, we know through His word, that God loves a cheerful giver.
- True joy is found in helping those in need. Your gift helps bring the truths of the bible to more students as part of Phil-Mont’s unique biblical worldview integration for education. There is a humble joy for all who know they have made that a reality for others.
- Your gifts are an encouragement to the faculty and staff of Phil-Mont and a way to say “Keep going!”. Your support is more than financial. It is emotional, psychological, and along with your prayers, spiritual.

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Ways to be a Phil-Mont Supporter
Donation checks can be made out to “Phil-Mont” and sent to:
Phil-Mont Christian Academy
Attn: Advancement
35 Hillcrest Ave.
Erdenheim, PA 19038
You can communicate directly with our Head of School, Dr. Mangum
215-233-0782 ext. 422