Here are just a few of the stories from Phil-Mont graduates who have gone on to do wonderful things.
Christian Smith - Class of 1976

Phil-Mont K-12 was for me a theologically and morally grounded educational community that provided a foundational orientation by which to navigate the rest of my life thus far. I owe my university teaching awards to the comfortability “on stage”; that I learned performing in Phil-Mont musicals for many years and from involvement in student government.
I also know that many of my subsequent interests in history, fiction, culture, and music sprouted from seeds planted by many fine Phil-Mont teachers. I am so thankful that my parents made the sacrifices they did to send me to Phil-Mont.
"I am so thankful that my parents made the sacrifices they did to send me to Phil-Mont."
- Masters and Doctorate from Harvard University
- Current Professor of Sociology, Notre Dame University
- Well known author for his contributions to the sociology of religion

Phoenix Best - Class of 2011

Phil-Mont prepared me for my education and professional career by teaching me to be well rounded. Phil-Mont gives its students the opportunity to be the best they can be and also pushes them to go above and beyond what they could imagine for themselves. I learned to challenge myself constantly and never to let the tiny obstacles get in the way of my success.
“Phil-Mont gives its students the opportunity to be the best they can be, and also pushes them to go above and beyond what they could imagine for themselves..”
- Graduate of DeSales University
- Broadway Productions include The Color Purple & Dear Evan Hansen

Barry Queen, Jr - Class of 2004

Entrepreneurship is something that intrigued me even as a high school student, and my introduction to this arena started at the ripe age of sixteen when I started an e-commerce sports nutrition business. Because of this attraction to building and developing small businesses, I chose to major in Business Management and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in 2008. After working for 6 years as a Financial Services Professional with New York Life in Norfolk, VA I was led to create a financial planning firm based closer to home.
“There are no words to express the meaning this school played in my life. The only thing I can say is that I am forever grateful.”
In July of 2015, I transitioned to Manhattan and established Clarity Financial Group, LLC, a comprehensive insurance and financial planning firm. I also began speaking and eventually writing about the relationship between psychology and finance. This was inspired by personal experiences with depression, anxiety, suicide, and death coupled with financial challenges I experienced personally and witnessed professionally as an advisor. My experience at Phil-Mont Christian Academy literally saved my life. I became a Christian because of Phil-Mont Christian Academy. I learned the value of worship and prayer because of Phil-Mont Christian Academy. As an African-American who had little exposure to other races, I learned to look not at skin color, but instead at the heart because of Phil-Mont Christian Academy. When faced with the ultimate decision to live or die I chose to live because of what had been sowed in me by an astute Bible teacher while I was attending Phil-Mont Christian Academy. There are no words to express the meaning this school played in my life. The only thing I can say is that I am forever grateful.
- Financial Services Professional at New York Life Insurance Company
- Studied Business Education at Norfolk State University

Jonathan White - Class of 1997

Phil-Mont helped instill a Christian worldview in me that has had a lasting effect on how I view the study of history. I believe we ought to treat historical figures with charity, recognizing that they were made in the image of God and that they have inherent human dignity.
“Phil-Mont helped instill a Christian worldview in me that has had a lasting effect on how I view the study of history.”
Most historical figures can no longer speak for or defend themselves, so it is important that we treat them fairly and try to understand them as they understood themselves, even when we don’t like what they said or did. For these reasons, we ought to approach the study of the past with humility, recognizing our own shortcomings as we explore the lives of others. I also remember learning about the “Protestant work ethic” in my Bible classes at Phil-Mont—the idea that God is glorified in our work when we work hard and use the talents He has given us. I have never forgotten Mr. Kunkle saying that when he was younger he worked at a drive-in movie theater picking up trash and that he strove to be the best cigarette butt picker-upper that he could be because God would be glorified in his work. Even picking up cigarette butts. For that reason I always strive to be productive and creative in my work, thinking about new historical problems that I’d like to figure out, and carefully researching and writing about what I find
- Associate professor of American Studies at Christopher Newport University in Newport News, VA
- Has written/edited 8 books on Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War

Christine Bierema - Class of 2010

Phil-Mont is academically rigorous, and I had excellent chemistry, physics, and mathematics teachers who prepared me for challenging pre-med classes. I also learned to balance the workload of multiple AP classes and extracurriculars. That work ethic proved valuable in college classes and continues to benefit me in medical school.
“The Christian worldview that is embedded into every classroom at Phil-Mont has been essential for me as a medical student, as a Christian, as a friend, and in every other area of life.”
In addition, the faculty of Phil-Mont shaped my character in profound ways. Throughout their daily example and teaching, they demonstrated the importance of treating everyone as a fellow human made in God’s image. The Christian worldview that is embedded into every classroom at Phil-Mont has been essential for me as a medical student, as a Christian, as a friend, and in every other area of life. Daily in medical school, our instructors tell us that anyone can learn the facts of medicine, but empathy, communication, and insight are what set apart outstanding physicians. These traits are those I learned at Phil-Mont. Although I am still a student, already I have seen patients in the depths and heights of emotion, I have seen patients born and I have seen patients die, I have held a patient’s beating heart in my hand, and performed CPR on a patient whose heart had stopped beating. It has been a long road to this step in my training as a physician, and I have many years of learning ahead of me, but Phil-Mont laid a strong foundation on which to build in both knowledge and integrity.
- Graduate of Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Ashley Berke - Class 2001

Following graduation from Cornell University, I started working at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, where I served as Director of Public Relations. Highlights of my eight-year tenure included leading media relations for the Center’s annual Liberty Medal award—presented to leaders such as Presidents William J. Clinton and George H.W. Bush, Bono, Mikhail Gorbachev, and Steven Spielberg, among others—and overseeing campaigns for world-premiere exhibitions and high-profile political events, including the 2008 Democratic presidential primary debate.
“I received a well-rounded education, which was particularly important since I switched majors in college.”
Phil-Mont helped prepare me for college and my career in many ways. I received a well-rounded education, which was particularly important since I switched majors in college. I intended to become a veterinarian, and Phil-Mont’s science curriculum prepared me for that path. When I switched to a communications major, it was seamless because I had a solid foundation in that realm, as well, thanks to excellent English teachers like Mrs. Rockey, Mrs. Carradice, and Mr. Liegel. Mr. Liegel’s monthly literary forum not only ensured that I was well-read but also showed me how to be an effective storyteller, which is integral to my career. In addition, Mr. Kunkle’s senior-year Bible class opened my eyes to other worldviews and how to respectfully wrestle with and challenge ideas and values that are different from my own. Lastly, I always credit my Latin teacher, Mr. Rockey, for instilling in me a love of learning. All of these lessons and skills have played a significant role in shaping my life and career, and I am incredibly grateful.
- Assistant Director of Communications, Philadelphia Orchestra
- Served as the Director of Communications for the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
- Graduate of Cornell University

Doris Hamilton - Class of 2014

At Phil-Mont, I was able to learn in an environment that was both academically challenging and also Christ-centered. In more ways than one, Phil-Mont has prepared me for attending a university that is secular and academically rigorous. I have greatly enjoyed my time at Penn thus far, and I know that my experience at Phil-Mont has played a major part in that.
“At Phil-Mont, I was able to learn in an environment that was both academically challenging and also Christ-centered.”
- Graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, with a degree in Africana Studies and Theatre Arts.
- Studied abroad at Goldsmiths University of London
- Interned at Cozen O’Connor Law Firm

Andrea Gould

I attended Phil-Mont from 6th grade to 12th grade and I believe my time there prepared me for higher education in the following three areas: keeping Christ at the center, developing relationships, and pursuing excellence in academics. Phil-Mont’s commitment to keeping Christ and the Bible at the core of their teaching allowed me never to be ashamed of who I am in Christ, a constant reminder throughout undergrad and grad school that I can indeed do “all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
“Phil-Mont’s commitment to keeping Christ and the Bible at the core of their teaching allowed me never to be ashamed of who I am in Christ, a constant reminder throughout undergrad and grad school that I can indeed do “all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
The relationships that I developed with faculty and staff at Phil-Mont, which have now turned into lasting friendships, played a key role in preparing me for higher education. These mentors saw my potential from the beginning and encouraged and supported me in many ways. This allowed me to continue to build relationships throughout my time in college with faculty and staff who also saw my potential and helped me reach where I am today in my professional career. I also developed friendships with other Christians on campus and was a part of the Drexel University Gospel choir for over 7 years. Lastly, pursuing excellence in every area of my academics at Phil-Mont, from achieving high honors to excelling in sports and fine arts, led to a continuing pursuit of excellence, sparking my interest in the entertainment and arts field. Drexel University isn’t an easy school, but I was awarded grants and a graduate assistant position, achieved high honors, and completed internships at some of the most widely-recognized companies in the entertainment industry.
- Senior Analyst, Data Innovation and Insights at Effectv
- Bachelor of Science in Entertainment and Arts Management from Drexel University.
- Master of Science in Television Management from Drexel University.