Thank you for considering Phil-Mont Christian Academy as a potential school for your international student. We have a rich history of working with caring families in other countries to prepare their children for college or university. Our school is a small, safe, academically rigorous college preparatory school that has been in operation since 1943. Phil-Mont is authorized under Federal law through the Department of Homeland Security to enroll non-immigrant students, and we take that authorization seriously. We accept applications from students going into grades 7-11 with certain stipulations. Primary entry grades are 9 and 10. See below for details.
- We ask that all international students comply with all federal regulations regarding travel, stay, and education.
- We ask that students comply with the state health/immunization requirements. This may mean getting medical checkups after arriving in the country.
- Finally, we ask that students comply with the policies and procedures of Phil-Mont which have been established specifically for the safety of our international students and the protection of both the school and any host family.
- See the process
你好,我是 Phil-Mont Christian Academy 国际学生协调员曾丽兰。 如果你有兴趣在我们学校学习,我可以帮助你。 我可以回答问题,帮助您申请,找到寄宿家庭,并引导您完成整个F-1学生流程。你可以联系我:
微信: LilanGeating

Basic Information
- School enrollment: Approx. 385 students (PK-12)
- Current international enrollment: 12 total, 10 Chinese. Please contact us regarding the current spots available.
- International Applications: accepted for grades 6-11, but students for grades 6-8 must be hosted by local, church-going, Christian family relatives, and students entering grade 11 must be transferring from another U.S. school. Phil-Mont does not accept 12th-grade applicants.
- Phil-Mont expects some level of English proficiency but will make decisions individually for applicants who have not taken these tests yet.
- Applicant Interview: Phil-Mont requires a personal or Skype interview with all applicants to help determine fit and English proficiency
- Student support: Phil-Mont requires/offers our Learning Center for more one-on-one support and extended testing time for an additional fee.
- Application dates: For starting with the fall semester, applicants must have submitted paperwork before June 30th. Phil-Mont does offer Spring semester (February) enrollment in special circumstances.
- School location type: Suburban, 1 acre, next to a park
- Religious affiliation: Christian, non-denominational, Protestant
- AP courses offered: 7 (Calculus, History, English, Art, Music Theory, Civics, and Biology)
- Honors courses offered: 14
- Dual Enrollment College Credit available: 18 credits
- Student-to-Teacher ratio: 10:1
- Host families: Phil-Mont has recommended families, but the responsibility is ultimately on the agent/agency to find and pay the host family for each student. (see our host family information)
- Transportation: Provided by local school districts within a 10-mile radius of the school, and are for regular school hours only.
- 2025-26 full-year tuition: Grade 6-12: $18,000. This price includes services provided by our international student coordinator to help improve the overall quality of the student’s time at Phil-Mont.
- Additional Fees: Added to contract invoice: Activity fee (HS $200, MS $150); Technology Fee (HS $125, MS $100), Security fee ($100); plus possible High school Learning Center ($2,000) if required.
- Tuition and fees are due upfront and may not be refunded since the school budgets for teachers are based on that tuition.
Admissions Process
1. Review Phil-Mont’s admissions policies for international students – See handbook
2. Apply online ($500 non-refundable application fee)
3. Schedule and complete a video interview
4. Acceptance/I-20 determined by the admissions committee and communicated to the family
5. Submit proper records and a signed contract to be enrolled.
6. Host family, busing, tuition payment, summer reading, supplies, uniforms, and additional documents worked through.
It is the responsibility of each international family to find the proper host for their child while learning at Phil-Mont.
- We can make recommendations on potential host families known to the school to either be currently hosting, have hosted in the past, or have completed the appropriate paperwork to host for the first time. We will share this information when it is available.
- Host families must meet certain requirements, including completion of our host family agreement, our host family application, a Pastoral Reference from their church, and the state-mandated Background Clearances.
- Host families coordinate with the biological parents or guardian/agency to schedule hosting payments.
- Students are required to commit to and stay with their assigned host family for at least one school year, except for family conflicts where the school deems it necessary to move.
- All student moves must be pre-approved by Phil-Mont and all host families must meet Phil-Mont’s admissions requirements.
- See Host Requirements | See Student Guidelines
Families, Students, Host Families, Agents, Guardians, and potential host families can call Mrs. Geating (215.233.0782 ext. 420) or email the admissions department at any time during regular school hours. Sending an email is the quickest way to get a response. We look forward to working with you.