Thank you for considering Phil-Mont for your family’s educational needs. This is an amazing school. You will want to come visit and see for yourself.
- We have godly, caring teachers who are experts in their fields of study, teaching from a biblical-world-view.
- We have the facilities to handle Prekindergarten through 12th grade all in the same building. In recent years we have pushed the building to capacity and some classes do having waiting lists.
- We have amazing families with parents who volunteer time to help the school and students who graduate, prepared for college and life beyond.
Phil-Mont is a place where students become part of a larger Christian community. Our faculty and staff help point children to Christ and prepare them for life and service in the kingdom of God. Our students benefit from godly teachers, who act as role-models for life, who pray with and for their students, who care about kids and take the time to help each student learn and express themselves using their God-given talents. We hope you prayerfully consider Phil-Mont for your family’s educational needs because the results reach far beyond head knowledge, athletic ability, or artistic excellence.
Phil-Mont’s instruction and environment helps students strive for their best, for the glory of their Creator and the good of all people.
Details of the application process
The following items are requested as part of any student application:
- Complete student information
- Pastoral Reference for your family from a pastor or leader in your home church.
- Copies of most recent report cards & standardized test scores
- Consent form to request records after enrollment
- Picture of each applicant
- Application fee ($100 per student)
- Once you have submitted your application, we will contact you via email to schedule student testing and a parents’ interview.
- This is followed by acceptance, contract, and registration/enrollment.
- We would love to help you in any step of the process and you can submit contract paperwork via mail, email, fax, or drop off.